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A Year Ago – Church Planting Reflections

July marks the month everything changed. With a little fear and a lot of faith we decided to finally do what we had no interest in doing, but God seemed to have a lot of interest in doing.

We began meeting with people to explore planting a church in our hometown.

In some ways it has been exactly what I imagined.

In other ways it’s been nothing like I imagined.

I imagined some people being strong supporters who didn’t make it this far.

A year ago I didn’t even know most of the people who now serve with us.

We are nowhere where I thought we would be, and yet we are exactly where we should be.

Support has come from the unlikeliest of places, thanks Central Church!

Conflict has come from the unlikeliest of places…no names here. 🙂

Through it all this is what I have learned.

1. Obey the call of God, then trust Him for the results.

2. Communicate, communicate, communicate.

3. Evaluate, re-evaluate, and then communicate some more.

4. Set the bar high from the beginning after all God gave his Son for this.

5. Always do it with 100% commitment, but never think you know what you are doing.

6. Smile. It goes a long way.

7. If it’s not working change it.

8. Share the work…all of it.

9. Ask for help, or pay for help.

10. It is entirely possible to successfully plant a church without denominational, mother church, or agency financial support. Don’t let a lack of it deter you!




Re ignite June 11, 2014


Re ignite June 5, 2014

I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father but through me. – Jesus

This exclusive statement isn’t to keep people out of the Kingdom, is it?

Re ignite June 5, 2014 from Robert Glenn Smith on Vimeo.