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In the Pslams this little word, selah, shows up. There is no real good interpretation, but most believe it is equivalent to a rest that we find in musical scores. Without waxing philosophical about the need for rest in life I’ll just shortly say, I’ll see you in August.




My grandmother, who lost my grandfather a few years ago, called my Dad yesterday on what could have been his 42nd wedding anniversary, and his first without Mom. The conversation went like this:

Grandma – “So, how many years would it have been?”
Dad – “Today would have been 42 years.”
Grandma – “Wow, that’s a long time.”
Dad – “Yep, a long time.”

Grandma – “A long time…just not long enough.

That pretty well sums it up.

The blessing in mourning is that we loved someone enough to actually feel those words. Imagine never loving someone enough to be able to say that? What a tragedy?


Three Books in Three Days

I read three books in three days.

It required going on a retreat of silence and solitude to make that happen, but it may be the first time I have ever read three books in three days.

I actually read one book over three days. The Power of Blessing by my friend and mentor David Timms required some reflection throughout the book. So, I would finish a chapter and think about it a while. If you struggle to encourage people with your words and you find that most of the time you are pointing out the negative stuff in people’s lives then you must read this book. I probably need to read it every year for the next few years.

I read, What the Spirit is Saying to the Churches by Henry Blackaby. It’s a small book, but if you want to see what the Church is capable of doing with humble servant leadership then read this book. The potential of the Church must be recognized, and leaders must lead out of the conviction that we’ve been given a tremendous gift!

I read, no, I devoured this book, Heaven is for Real by Todd Burpo. It is without a doubt the best book on the afterlife I have ever read. If you have questions about what happens after you die, then read this book. If you need a dose of hope that will give meaning to the trouble of this life, then read this book. Or if you know of someone who has experienced the loss of a loved one, had a miscarriage, or lost a child then give them this book. You won’t be sorry.