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The Story of Today

November 7, 2011 may be remembered as the day the new Nook Color was announced by Barnes and Noble. It will go down; however, as the fulfillment of a dream for me, and as a testimony to the faithfulness of God my Father.

Here is where it all began:

I was a new dad, a young youth director in a mid-sized United Methodist church, and I had just gotten a new job at Lexmark to help supplement our income, and to put to work my MS in Chemistry.

Duffy Robbins was the speaker at a denominational youth even in Frankfort, and other than enjoying him I can’t remember what he had to say. Sorry Duffy.

What I do remember is walking past a table with a bunch of kids pictures on it. One of the first ministries I implemented as a youth director was sponsoring a kid through World Vision as a Youth Group. The youth would send her letters. We’d take up offerings to help cover the monthly support. I’d post her report card on the bulletin board. She eventually married at the tender age of 14 and she was from Africa.

This ministry was another child sponsorship organization called Compassion. I remember just thumbing through the packets, and eventually it hit me to see if by chance there might be a child with the same birthday as Shelbi Lynn. I felt like I was supposed to do this, but this time it was for us as a family. I made a deal with God that if there was a packet of a child with the same birthday as Shelbi, then I’d do it.

Now as the weekend went along I passed the table several times. I never found a packet with Shelbi’s birthday. On the last day the person at the booth finally asked me if I was looking for something in particular. I explained the desire for the birthday match and that there weren’t any on the table thinking she would just sigh and say, “Sorry, we can’t help you.”

Instead she pulled out a box full of other kids.

In about two minutes, there she was, Dennis (pronounced Daneese) Rafael Campos from Peru. A beautiful child, with a beautiful family, who needed Jesus, and a sponsor and I had made a deal with the LORD…

Go here for Chapter 2 “Compassion”


The Dream Come True

On Monday, as long as we find favor with the judge, three children will officially become Smiths. Over four years we have been on this journey, and there have been many significant moments in the midst of those four years as we have celebrated life and mourned death. We have expanded in some areas and retracted in others. We have simply become new, different, transformed people. We went from possibility to actuality.

In order to put in perspective what happens in four years here’s a short list:

I completed work on two Masters degrees.

We went from having four in elementary school to still having four in elementary school along with one in middle school and one in high school.

My 11 year old became a teenager, and my five year old became nine (lots of change there), and Kristi and I turned 40 (ouch).

My mother was diagnosed and the lost her battle with cancer, yet left us with a legacy of faith that will be impossible to forget.

Kristi’s grandfather lost his battle with age.

We went from adopting a boy and only a boy to a boy and two girls, from one to three.

We went from private Christian school to public school.

We went from three jobs to two, a working mom to a stay at home mom.

We went from four bedrooms to five, and from a minivan to a Suburban.

We went from none in diapers to one at night.

We went from times when the laundry hamper was empty to a perpetual laundry producing machine.

We went from having leftovers from dinner to barely having enough.

We went from three kids to six, two soccer teams to four, packing three lunches to six, from very little homework assistance to a lot, from kids who were at the top of the class to kids who are behind.

And I won’t even get into the change Kamri, Lucas, and Lilli have endured.

I stand in awe. How naive I was the morning I awoke to from a dream. All of this born out of the pursuit of a dream.

To God be the glory forever and ever, AMEN.


Hmmmm….I guess you’re never too young either.

I love the banjo! After this I think you’ll love it too.