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Do You Know Joseph Kony?

He is the Adolf Hitler of our day and yet you don’t even know who he is.

There are two reasons Uganda has an orphan crisis. One is AIDS and other health related issues. The other is Joseph Kony. In the Northern part of Uganda, southern Sudan, and north-eastern Congo Joseph Kony has been kidnapping children and forcing them to kill their parents and then join his army. If you are a girl your role may be to provide sex. If you are a boy you will be called upon to intimidate, mutilate, and kill in the name of Joseph Kony. 30,000 children have been kidnapped in Uganda alone. His behavior has led to him being listed as the #1 most dangerous man on the planet according to the Interantional Criminal Court at The Hague in The Netherlands. Muammar Gaddafi, recently deposed dictator of Libya was #22.

Governements supported the overthrow of Gaddafi’s government simply because of oil. Joseph Kony doesn’t have any oil, but he has hands stained by the blood of thousands of innocent people. In 2012 the agency Invisible Children has made the capture of Joseph Kony an absolute must.

I encourage you to watch the following video, share it with anyone and everyone, talk about it with your children and friends, and churches and then join me to make Joseph Kony famous.


The Blue Like Jazz Miss

So, Dad and I made our way to Shelby County yesterday. That wasn’t our destination. Tinseltown Theaters in Louisville was our destination. Blue Like Jazz the movie was our destination. Instead we got to watch break lights for over an hour in Shelby County. Oh well, I guess I’ll have to wait like the rest of you to see it on April 13th.


Tornadoes, Storms, and Weather Prediction

All it takes is one guy on a weather channel to create an algorithm that predicts bad weather and the next thing you know schools are dismissing early, work grinds to a halt, evening plans get cancelled, and life moves to the basement.

When God adopted you and I as His kids we become that guy. We proclaim that based upon the algorithm that is God’s Word that unless you repent then Hell, which is far worse than death by tornado, is your destiny. And regardless of whether or not we stay there for eternity or just overnight my guess is a moment is too long.

So how are you doing at predicting the weather? Is anyone heeding your warning?