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Posts tagged ‘I am second’


Prison Saves

Make sure you have some Kleenex. I could listen to stories of change all day long. Often people come to the Church looking for immediate solutions in order to avoid their circumstances. Sometimes God may grant those petitions, but often the change that needs to happen requires time. Today be thankful for those who preach and teach about the power of Christ to the captive audience of the American prisoner, and pray for the transformed as they re-enter life outside of those institutions.


What are you chasing?

You have been spared. Either you have over corrected only to find no oncoming car, or you have jumped before looking, or you have arrived late or early instead of on time, but regardless of the situation we all have been spared. There have been multiple moments in my life where it could have been the end, but the situation or circumstances just didn’t play out that way. It was either luck or providence. In either case I still am left with the question of why?

Why have you been spared?