The Dream – An Epic Adoption Story
May 2007
You ever heard God speak to you?
I mean have you heard the still, small voice of the LORD? Or been visited by angels? Even in a dream?
I hear Muslims put a lot of stock in dreams, and that often this is where God is most effective at communicating the truth about Jesus. But I have trouble remembering dreams…at least I did.
Out of the blue God visits me in a dream and tells me that I’m going to have a son.
No joke.
The next morning I actually remembered the encounter and tell Kristi. Me remembering anything, much less while I am sleeping, is a miracle in and of itself.
Anyway, let’s just say she and Sarah have something in common other than her ravishing good looks, and while I thought the dream was strange I didn’t think it was funny…
Tuesday is for Michael Jackson…only much better
I am a pretty eclectic music lover: classical, jazz, rock, metal, hip hop, R&B, alternative, hymns, praise, pop, country just about anything. While I may have liked Michael Jackson a little I was never compelled to purchase one of his albums. Janet Jackson, on the other hand, is another story.
However, I’d buy this album…