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Posts from the ‘Spiritual Formation’ Category


Why do you work?

Why do you work?

It may seem like a simple question, but there are multiple layers to the answers we give.

Answer 1: Because I can. I work because I can work. Somehow someone saw me as valuable and they hired me to do a job that was worth doing.

Answer 2: Because I should. God interpreted man’s existence quite simply in Genesis 2:15. He was to work and care for creation. A few thousand years go by and God commands a nation of former slaves, who undoubtedly worked long days every day, to work six days and rest on the seventh (Exodus 34:21). And in Thessalonica Paul instructs the church that he who does not work should not eat (2 Thessalonians 3:10). I earn a living and this should be a testimony to the redemption that has taken place in my life.

Answer 3: Because I am. I am an ambassador of Jesus Christ. I am an adopted son of the Most High God. I am bought by the blood of Jesus to do good. I have been reconciled with God to do what God originally intended. So, in the use of my skills, gifts, and talents I glorify Him who gave His life for my sake. Creating, serving, working are acts of worship because I am Redeemed.

Thoughts inspired by Ann Voskamp’s Do You Feel Broken And Fragmented?



Lately, I have been meditating on that word…normal. What does it really mean?

Why are so many people pursuing it?

Why are so many more running away from it?

When life exits a crisis why are we in search of a “New Normal?”

Normal is a word you want to hear after a medical exam, and is a word you hope to never hear in show business.

What about all of the normal people in the Bible? People unlike Joseph who was sold into slavery by his brothers and eventually rose to be second in command to Pharaoh, or David who killed Goliath with one shot and became King of Israel only to eventually commit adultery and murder a friend.

What about the men who fought with Gideon? Or the men who were sent away because they chose to drink from the stream instead of from their hands?

What about the elders of the churches that were started by Timothy and Titus and Paul? What about the people Peter, Paul, Jude, James, John and the writer of Hebrews fail to mention?

In the day and age where great leaders are celebrated and even worshiped I find myself wondering if everyone is supposed to strive to be great, or are most of us just supposed to figure out what it means to be normal Christians?


Three Books in Three Days

I read three books in three days.

It required going on a retreat of silence and solitude to make that happen, but it may be the first time I have ever read three books in three days.

I actually read one book over three days. The Power of Blessing by my friend and mentor David Timms required some reflection throughout the book. So, I would finish a chapter and think about it a while. If you struggle to encourage people with your words and you find that most of the time you are pointing out the negative stuff in people’s lives then you must read this book. I probably need to read it every year for the next few years.

I read, What the Spirit is Saying to the Churches by Henry Blackaby. It’s a small book, but if you want to see what the Church is capable of doing with humble servant leadership then read this book. The potential of the Church must be recognized, and leaders must lead out of the conviction that we’ve been given a tremendous gift!

I read, no, I devoured this book, Heaven is for Real by Todd Burpo. It is without a doubt the best book on the afterlife I have ever read. If you have questions about what happens after you die, then read this book. If you need a dose of hope that will give meaning to the trouble of this life, then read this book. Or if you know of someone who has experienced the loss of a loved one, had a miscarriage, or lost a child then give them this book. You won’t be sorry.