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Posts from the ‘Made You Smile’ Category


Tuesdays are for Bobs! :-)

If you read A Million Miles in a Thousand Years, then the following video of the 2011 News Years Day “Participants Only” Parade will bring a smile to your face. If you don’t know the story it all started with a couple of bored kids on New Years Day who didn’t want people to watch, but actually participate in a parade. As the video shows it’s grown to be much more than that over the last 10 years. This is only a picture of what a family who believes that they have the power to change the world can do. Go here to see what else they have been up to, or read Donald Miller‘s book.

What might we do in 2011 that blows up like this even if it means no one is watching?

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Tuesdays are for His Delight!

This video needs little introduction. The story is familiar. The storytelling is tremendous! In 2011, I propose we THROW a PARTY!!!! With GLOW sticks!

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Skipping Christmas – will bring a smile to your Tuesday

[singlepic id=56 w=320 h=240 float=left]You have heard the saying, “The book is better than the movie.” I can definitely say that about Skipping Christmas, by John Grisham.  The movie was Christmas with the Kranks.  Not your typical Grisham novel, but a great look into the American Christmas and one family’s struggle to make sense of it all in the midst of an empty nest.

I highly recommend it to combat being tempted to become Scroogish.