Reproducing Churches: Dave and Jon Ferguson, Community Christian Church
Instead of thinking about growing in order to reproduce we need to switch into realizing that when we reproduce you will grow. You add a service and you will grow. You add a small group and you will grow.
2 Timothy 2:2
Greg Nettle – The Greatest Challenge in the next decade
We are going to be forced to deal with questions surrounding loving homosexuals. With California now inviting couples to come and be married it will involve recognition by government, and the church must be prepared to speak truth in love into this situation.
We need to answer questions like:
Do you baptize a same sex couple who has been legally married if they confess faith?
How do you teach scripture without generating homophobes?
How can you best minister to people who have a pro homosexual lifestyle?
Jim Putman – Real Life Ministries
So far they have over 7000 people in small groups, over 8000 in attendance on weekend in a community of 100,000. They have planted several churches, and the majority of their leadership is home grown.
You must quit focusing upon conversions and start focusing upon making disciples in everything you do.
A better show does not attract unsaved people. Unsaved people don’t like us. A better show attracts people from other churches.
In the last three years 31 million Americans have left the church.
2-3% of churches are growing by conversion growth.
80% of Christians say that they are not experiencing God in the church that they attend.
We need to quit talking about what isn’t working, and start focusing on what Jesus wants us to do.
Will come along side churches in order to mentor them in implementing a plan to make disciples.