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Posts from the ‘Life Sucks’ Category


What are you chasing?

You have been spared. Either you have over corrected only to find no oncoming car, or you have jumped before looking, or you have arrived late or early instead of on time, but regardless of the situation we all have been spared. There have been multiple moments in my life where it could have been the end, but the situation or circumstances just didn’t play out that way. It was either luck or providence. In either case I still am left with the question of why?

Why have you been spared?


I Am Second

I can’t relate to much of what Lecrae has experienced except for when the light began to break into his darkness. From that point forward in his story he’s telling my story. Is he telling yours?


End Malaria Day

Today is End Malaria Day. This is a preventable disease that kills 750,000 people every year. The most vulnerable being widows and orphans in sub-equitorial Africa. Sleeping under a net is all it takes to help save lives. Today, if you buy a book loaded with essays by some of the top business authors all of the proceeds go to provide a mosquito net. Check out