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Posts from the ‘Church’ Category


Deep Breath

Today we went live with not one but two different online classes, and my “Jack of All Trades” title came back and bit me in the rear.
My problem is I love messing around with technology, I love to create and design everything from a house to a website to a T-shirt to a worship service, and I absolutely cannot give up on a deadline.
We had the first one up in time, feel free to check out, but due to some crazy video editing problems on one PC we ran into issues on the second one. Can anybody say, “Maybe it’s time to get at least one Mac in the house?”
I also had WordPress issues trying to get comments to show up on a page, and had to make some significant design changes in order to get them to show.
All of this is happening while at the same time I have that 10 page paper on a Psalm still staring me in the face, and my second class begins on Tuesday.
So, now that we’re live, I’m going to drink some milk, take a deep breath, and pray that God give me the strength and time to make it through the next two weeks.
Breathe and Pray…
Pray and Breathe…

God is good,

I am human,

He can,

I can’t,

So be it!


Reflections on: High Altitude Leaders by Warner and Schmincke

Dangerous, unproductive, dysfunctional behavior, termed DUD, can irrevocably damage your organization.

Eight Dangers for Leaders

1. Fear of Death – Don’t let the fear of being let go, losing your job, or someone else losing their job keep you from continuing to climb (great story on a perilous expedition Warner had on K2).

2. Selfishness – This can result in DUD behavior. Whenever someone puts themselves and their prosperity ahead of the team or organization production suffers decreasing by up to 50%. Combat this by inspiring passion through the use of story.

3. Tool Seduction – The best facility, network, parking lot, advertising, lights, cameras, bands does not translate into successful leadership. If somebody uses the lack of tools as a reason for a lack of leadership then they have an adaptation problem. Make adaptability a screening tool when interviewing.

4. Arrogance – Do your employees or you think that you know it all, fail to connect with customer base or fail to recognize competitive threats to the organization? If yes to any of the three, then you have an arrogance problem. Do an exegesis of your congregation and your community needs periodically. Take an occasional poll to determine a series that is 4-6 months away.

5. Lone Heroism – Always be willing to share the load because it’s necessary for succession planning, and improves morale of the team if they share in the success.

6. Cowardice – You must admit you are wrong, or things are going wrong, or things went wrong and why. The fear to do so will cripple organizations

7. Comfort – Change is painful but necessary, and sometimes the change that is necessary causes you to abandon your goal.

8. Gravity – Here the authors say that you have to have a little bit of luck on your side to be able to succeed. In the Church I think we can replace luck with the Will of God. If we are in His Will then who cares if we get burried in an avalanche.


SEX – Truth and Lies

I don’t know if Pete Hise and Perry Noble got together to plan their current series, because I know they are buddies, but on the same weekend they gave two very different sermons about Sex. Both are worth the three hours it will take to get through them if you watch all of the music and drama stuff. I would suggest skipping ahead to the drama and message. The testimony before Pete’s is powerful. I would even encourage you to watch them with your wife or husband, and then it may be advisable to view with your teenager. Be advised that both messages are PG-13. Now there may be one or two points that I need to filter in my own life to see if I agree, but 99% of what these two guys say is a home run!

Having an affair? Or thinking about it? Watch Perry’s first.

Seriously, WATCH THESE!!!

For Pete’s go to and you want to watch Week 3, which currently is last week.

For Perry’s go to