Reading 1 Samuel 25 today I was struck by the fact that David, who has resisted killing Saul – who is actually trying to kill David, was so quickly enraged by Nabal’s insult. Maybe after running from Saul for so long, and now grieving the loss of Samuel he is compelled to lash out.
What if the story would not have taken the unexpected turn that it did for David? What if Abigail wasn’t beautiful? What if, knowing how wicked Nabal was, she allowed him to be murdered in order to be free from him? What if she never loaded those donkeys with food and wine, and never met David on the way to kill her husband? How might David’s story have been different?
It was a little thing, that may have changed the course of David’s life, but David’s choosing to receive the gift of Abigail on behalf of Nabal kept him from murdering. And I’m pretty sure God would have been disappointed with David over his loss of temper. In fact, while David is a humble servant of Saul there is still a pride issue with David that is exposed in this story. However, the offense to his pride was overcome by the service of Abigail who neither wanted to see her wicked husband murdered, nor David become a murderer.
There have been many reminders lately of how what seems to be a small decision can change the course of one’s life dramatically. In fact, it can have significant impact on the lives of many. It just drove home the point to me today of how incredibly important it is to commune with my Lord daily and often throughout the day for I never know what decision may play a significant role in my life and the lives of others.
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