More Leading through change with Gene Appel
- Naively assuming that churches are as resistant to change as other organizations
- Neglecting to sell the problem first. If people don’t understand that there is a problem they will never buy into the solution.
- Ignoring the emotions of change. People will leave if you make change and they will leave if you don’t. You will never have 100% of people on board with change.
Types of church people:
Like Change Will help Resist Change
Creatives, Progressives Builders Foundationals, Anchors
4. Launching without a supportive leading/Sr. pastor. In their research they found that chance for failure was 100% when this happened.
5. Focusing on the change instead of on the transitions. Need a transition plan so that you take into account where you are and the people involved.
6. Over-accelerating the rate of change. All change is stressful. Size of change dictates the rate.
- Prepare the soil – Need data to be informed, so that you can raise the urgency, and identify and sell the problem. Be honest about your data (Where is the growth coming from?) Form the Dream Team (4-7 people) that plans, cultivates ideas, etc. Getting away for 2-3 days can help make progress that would typically take 2-3 years. You must form a compelling vision. It is strategic to affirm the past in order to build the future.
- Plant the seed (initiating change) – transformational change takes 4 years.
- Cultivate with patience and persistance- Celebrate every win. Share stories of transformation.
- Harvest
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